Ancient Rome Refocused

Ancient Rome Refocused

“Among all men upon the earth, storytellers win honor and reverence for the Muses have taught them the paths of song and love the tribe of storytellers.”

– Homer, Odyssey, Book IX

Rob’s website:

We are very excited to announce that we have teamed up with the brilliant Rob Cain for an episode of his wonderful podcast, Ancient Rome Refocused, all about Helicon Storytelling and our debut show The Battle of Frogs and Mice!

Ancient Rome Refocused has been running for over ten years and is now on Season Four. Whilst the title implies his love for all things Roman, Rob’s podcasts are wide-ranging and feature interviews with academics, creatives and novelists covering Greece and Egypt, as well as Rome. Rob tells us that he’s interested in anyone who has been inspired by the Ancient World and is creating something original and fresh from its amazing stories.

Rob has been hard at work interviewing not only me (Hayley) and Andrew, the co-founders of Helicon, but also our wonderful composer, David Denyer, and a couple of our core team of storytellers. And of course, we have some clips of the show to share with you too. Watch this space for an announcement of a podcast release date; we can’t wait for you to hear it!

To check out Rob’s podcasts go to Obviously, we’d recommend Episode 22: Mice and Frogs Behaving Badly, where Rob interviews Brandeis University Professor Christensen on the little known poem Batrachomyomachia – aka The Battle of Frogs and Mice! (Play this on HipCast!